Working With Your Insurance Agent

Should Newlyweds Combine Car Insurance Policies?

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There are many things you think about after getting married, such as name changes, bank accounts, and mortgages. Car insurance usually isn’t one of the first items on your to-do list, but it should be. Now that you are married, combining your car insurance policies is an option you need to consider. The question is – is combining car insurance policies in your best interest? Being Married Decreases Your Premiums Read More»

How To Prepare For The Risk Of Home Burglary

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Standard homeowners’ insurance covers personal belongings for up to 50 to 70 percent of the structure coverage. However, you don’t just buy coverage and expect compensation when your items are stolen. Have these three measures in place to ensure your homeowners insurance covers loss of your valuable items: Have a List of Your Most Valuable Items In an ideal world, you would be able to remember every item in your house without referring to a list. Read More»

3 Ways To Save Money On Your Auto Insurance Each Month

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Every person should carry auto insurance. In fact, in some states if you don’t have auto insurance you can get in trouble with the law. This is why it is vital that you always have an active policy on your car(s). However, just because you need auto insurance doesn’t mean that you need to overpay on the policy. Here are some simple things you can do to save money on your auto insurance. Read More»

3 Characteristics Every Auto Insurance Policy Should Have

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If you have a license to drive then you need to carry auto insurance. This is true even if you don’t own a car, since there is a chance you will drive a borrowed or rented car. Many people are so worried about the price of the insurance that they fail to make sure that they are getting a plan that provides them with the coverage they need. Here are some things that you should always have with your auto insurance coverage. Read More»

3 Simple Tips For Saving Money On Your Homeowners Insurance

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If you own a home you might be wondering what you can do to save money on your homeowners insurance policy. Even though most banks require that you carry insurance if there is a mortgage on the home, you should always carry homeowners insurance, even if you don’t have a mortgage on the home. But just because you need the insurance doesn’t necessarily mean that it must be expensive. Here are some simple things you can do to save money on your homeowners insurance. Read More»