Working With Your Insurance Agent

4 Types Of Commercial Insurance

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Being a business owner typically means you will have a lot of responsibilities to handle on a routine basis. The challenges of running your company and making a profit are sure to be high on your list. However, you will want to be certain that your equipment and building are insured. This will enable you to have the peace of mind in knowing if there is any damage to your business, you will be reimbursed for it. Read More»

Additional Insurance Coverage You May Need As A Single Parent To A Young Child

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As a single parent of a young child, your auto insurance needs are different from those of a family of two or more adults. You should seriously consider including these three forms of coverage in your auto insurance: Roadside Assistance and Towing If your family has at least two adults, you may be able to rely on each other for assistance if one of your cars breaks down. For example, you can call your partner to pick you up if your car stalls. Read More»

SR-22 Insurance: An Overview

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If you’re currently working on getting your driver’s license reinstated, you may have come across information regarding an SR-22. The SR-22 is an important document that can assist you in getting back on the road, but there’s a few things to know about the SR-22 before filing it. Below is an overview of the document, an explanation of who’s required to carry it, and how it can affect your car insurance policy. Read More»

Animals And Auto Insurance: How The Four-Legged Creatures Of The World Are Included In Insurance Policies

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Humans have a seemingly endless fascination with animals. People travel great distances to go on safaris to see them in the wild or spend their weekends at the zoo. In between, they continue to watch them thanks to television networks entirely devoted to animals. Pets are treated as family members and have their own shops, salons and daycare centers. So, it should come as no surprise that with so many creatures around all of the time they will eventually either harm a vehicle or be harmed by one. Read More»

Steps To Take After You Notice Damage To Your Vehicle In A Parking Lot

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It’s a highly disheartening feeling to return from a mall or supermarket, walk toward your car and notice that it’s been hit by another driver. Things are even more frustrating when the driver is nowhere to be seen and hasn’t left a note claiming responsibility for the damage. While you might choose to ignore small scratches caused by a vehicle’s door, you may be planning to make an insurance claim if the damage is greater — for example, a dented bumper, broken tail light or dented door. Read More»