Working With Your Insurance Agent

Are You A Guitar Player? Take These Steps To Ensure That Your Instruments Are Properly Insured

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Your home insurance coverage protects the value of your home and the contents inside it, but it’s always important to let your insurance agent know if you have certain items of a particularly high value. If you’re a musician and keep several guitars inside your home, the last thing you want is to have them taken in a break-in or destroyed in a fire; without firm proof about their existence, it may be difficult to convince the insurance company that you had a number of high-value instruments for which you require compensation. Read More»

Tips For Protecting Your Business From Disaster During Hurricane Season

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As the summer season begins, so too does hurricane season. Unfortunately, the first hurricane season catches many new business owners unprepared. How quickly you can get things back in operation will depend upon how well prepared you are before the storm season comes in. Here are a few tips to help you with your first storm season as a small business owner. Put A Response Plan In Place One of the biggest problems encountered by most small businesses is the lack of a plan to respond to potential disasters. Read More»

Answers To Common Questions About Minimum Car Insurance

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If you have just paid off your car or you have been driving a paid-for vehicle for a while now, it is a good idea to understand exactly what liability insurance does and does not cover. Although liability insurance, or a bond that requires similar coverage, is required by law for every driver in almost every state, many drivers erroneously think that it only covers expenses to the other vehicle. However, you may have more coverage than you think, even with the minimum liability policy, and the following information will help to clarify your understanding of this important policy. Read More»

Key Information About Liability Coverage

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You may be thinking about switching from full to liability coverage. If you’re still paying off a car loan, liability coverage isn’t sufficient. Even if your car is paid off, it may make more sense to keep full coverage if it still has fair value. Know what you’re paying for in liability-only coverage, and then insure your auto to best protect your assets. Bodily Injury Liability Coverage Bodily injury coverage is the most common type of liability insurance. Read More»

Go Through These Steps To Ensure Your Rental Car Is Safe To Drive

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Whenever you’re making changes to your auto insurance policy, it’s a good idea to see if the policy provides you with enhanced coverage for when you’re driving a rental car. This coverage means that you won’t have to pay extra for the insurance offered by the rental car provider, which will save you money on the rental fee. When it comes time to rent a vehicle, though, it’s advantageous to take some time to make sure the vehicle is safe for you to drive — the last thing you want to do is have an at-fault accident that affects your insurance rate because of an issue with the rental car. Read More»