If you don’t currently own a vehicle, but you’re in the market for a new or used car, then one of the first things you’ll need to do is purchase auto insurance. Many people balk at the cost of insurance and may even try to get away with not buying it, but there are a multitude of reasons why having an insurance policy is hugely beneficial. To discover just a few of them, keep reading below. Read More»
A house fire is one of the worst things that any homeowner can experience, and while you can lean on your insurance company during this trying time, it’s best to do all that you can to lessen the risk of a fire; after all, to make an insurance claim after a fire of any size, you’ll need to pay the cost of your deductible. The good news is that many different types of house fires are preventable and, with a little bit of effort and some simple changes to your home, you can significantly decrease the risk of experiencing a fire. Read More»
If you are like most people, life without a cell phone seems incomprehensible. If you break or lose your phone, replacing it can be expensive. As a result, you may want to consider buying insurance. When you buy a new cell phone, your carrier will offer you cell phone insurance. The monthly amount may be small, but it adds up over time. For many people, the cost is not worth it. Read More»
Owning a motorcycle can be a fun and freeing experience. When you purchase a bike, you need to be sure to get motorcycle insurance on the bike before you start riding it. Motorcycle insurance is different from car insurance in many ways. The guide below walks you through a few things you need to know about motorcycle insurance.
Only Individuals with Motorcycle Licenses Can Operate the Bike
When you insure a motorcycle, all authorized driver’s for the bike must have a valid motorcycle license. Read More»
Being able to remain independent is sure to be high on your list of priorities. The best way to do so and allow you to get around town is by having a vehicle. However, you will want to keep the right amount of coverage in your car at all times. Auto insurance expenses can add up and finding effective ways to lower yours is sure to be ideal.
Tip #1: Drive less Read More»