Working With Your Insurance Agent

Will Your Car Insurance Settle Your Non-Crash Injury Claims?

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Car accidents do not always involve crashing into another car; there are also cases of non-crash injuries that result in substantial injuries. Many people don’t know whether their Personal Injury Protection (PIP), Medical Payments coverage, or underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage would settle their medicals bills if injured with non-crash injuries. Here are four questions that are likely to determine whether you receive compensation for such injuries: What Were You Doing? In most cases, you will be compensated if you were using or servicing the car, and your injuries aren’t self-inflicted. Read More»

3 Tips For Saving Money On Your Property Insurance

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Being a homeowner comes with a lot of extra expenses. Many people fail to recognize just how much money they will put into their home when they first buy a house. However, in attempts to save money, you should never opt out of homeowners insurance. Yet, just because you should carry property insurance doesn’t mean that you have to go broke to pay for it. There are many things that you can do to lower your premiums while still getting great insurance. Read More»

The Relationship Between Auto Insurance Coverage And Vehicle Registration

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Most states require that you show proof that you have auto insurance before you can legally own a vehicle. The reasoning is that if you own a vehicle, you must be able to prove financial responsibility if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident. If you are considering not carrying auto insurance, understanding how insurance coverage and vehicle registration go hand in hand may help to change your mind. Read More»

Funeral Insurance Versus Traditional Life Insurance For Seniors Over 70

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Seniors that are looking for insurance may be torn between funeral or burial insurance versus more traditional term or life insurance. It may help to know exactly what burial insurance is, and that it typically has a lower cash value than conventional life insurance policies. Burial insurance policies generally are worth less than 25k, and are intended to take care of final wishes and funeral costs at end of life. Term life insurance, on the other hand, may have a higher cash payout and could build capital so that policy-holders can borrow on it. Read More»

3 Factors To Consider When Deciding If Usage-Based Auto Insurance Is A Good Idea

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Little black boxes have been promoted as a great way to save money on your car insurance. They monitor your driving, so you get a quote based on your personalized driving rather than the standard for your gender, age group and experience. Is this the best type of car insurance for you, though? Here are three factors to consider. 1. All Driving Is Monitored If you regularly share your car with someone else, both of you will be monitored. Read More»