Working With Your Insurance Agent

3 Tips For Saving Money On Life Insurance

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Even if you are still a young adult, it is important to look into life insurance. You never know when something could happen, and having coverage can help ensure that your loved ones will be able to handle your final expenses without too much financial stress. It can also help ensure that your family will be taken care of in the event that something happens to you. Unfortunately, it can be tough to pay for life insurance, especially if you are struggling to juggle other bills. Read More»

What Are Some Reasons To Get Renter's Insurance?

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If you rent an apartment or home, you might want to consider renter’s insurance. This is a good alternative to homeowner’s insurance when you are a renter, offering a way to protect yourself from loss of your personal property. Some landlords require it, but even if yours doesn’t, it is still a good idea to get it. Here are some reasons to consider getting a renter’s insurance policy. Loss and Damage to Personal Belongings is Covered Read More»

Planning A Wedding? You May Want To Purchase Wedding Insurance For Protection

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The average cost of a wedding is around $26,444, which is a lot of money to spend for one day in your life, but having a nice wedding might be something you always dreamed of. If you are just starting to plan your wedding and want to make sure your day turns out to be everything you expected, you may want to purchase wedding insurance. Wedding insurance can help you protect the money you spend for your special day in many different ways. Read More»

Affording Auto Insurance: Government Help Available In Some Areas

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While auto insurance is required by law in most states, not everyone can afford to pay the premiums. For low-income households, auto insurance can take a big bite out of the monthly budget. While some states are considering programs to help low-income drivers meet the cost, other states already have government programs in place or offer subsidies to help you pay for auto insurance. Therefore, if you fall within the category of drivers who can’t afford auto insurance, there may be help available. Read More»

Buy Your First Home? 3 Things You Need To Know About Your Home Insurance

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Now that you’ve purchased your new home, you need to familiarize yourself with the insurance policy you purchased. On the surface, it might look like one policy that protects your home and everything in it. However, your policy is more complex than that. Your insurance policy is actually comprised of several “mini policies.” Each of those “mini policies” are designed to provide protection for a specific thing. Each section has specific limits and benefits. Read More»